ntouch FAQs

ntouch Mobile iOS

FAQs:What's New

What's New in Version 8.6?

ntouch Mobile for iOS Version 8.6 offers these improvements:

Sorenson Reflex Video (SRV)

You will now enjoy an even better ntouch experience thanks to Sorenson Reflex Video (SRV), an innovative new technology which reduces blurriness and freezing of video during calls. SRV actively compensates for changing network conditions which often cause video data loss. Whether your network speeds are fast or slow, SRV works to improve the data signal to provide smooth, stable and clear connections for all calls.

ntouch Mobile

FAQs: Requirements

How do I get the Sorenson ntouch Tablet app?

You can download the app from the Apple App Store. You must also request an ntouch Tablet account before you can log into the app.

Are there any costs or fees charged by my wireless carrier or by Sorenson to use ntouch Tablet?

The ntouch Tablet app and SVRS service are for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community and are paid for by the US government’s Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) fund. However, your wireless carrier will charge you a basic rate per month for data plan access and will charge extra fees for any usage that goes over the limits of the data plan in that month.

Can I use the 10-digit number assigned to my ntouch VP or ntouch PC with ntouch Mobile?

No. You must have separate accounts for each of your Sorenson devices or endpoints. The only exception is your ntouch Mobile and ntouch Tablet account which can be used with ntouch Tablet, ntouch Mobile for iOS or ntouch Mobile for Android. Just enter your ntouch Mobile and/or ntouch Tablet phone number and password to log into any app. Remember that you can only be logged into one device at a time.

If you have more than one Sorenson ntouch product, you will want to consider the Sorenson myPhone feature. Contact Sorenson Customer Service for assistance with setting up a myPhone Group.

What settings should I set for notifications?

Sorenson suggests that you turn on the iOS Notification Center feature so your phone will notify you of incoming calls or SignMail video messages even when you are using any other app.

ntouch Mobile

FAQs: Troubleshooting

Where can I find more information about ntouch Tablet?

You can download the User Guide for the Sorenson ntouch Tablet app. Detailed instructions are included in this guide. Just look for the download option on the Help page in the app itself or on the Sorenson website.

What if I forget my ntouch Tablet phone number or password?

You can make a request at the Sorenson website to reset your password. Just go to this website and enter the required information: www.sorensonvrs.com/support/pword_reset.

You will then receive an email that shows your new password. After logging in, you can change your password to anything you like using at the Personal Settings dialog.

What kinds of technical problems can Sorenson help solve?

Contact Sorenson Technical Support for help with ntouch Tablet. We can help you with any problems you might have with the ntouch Tablet application itself or your ntouch Tablet account.

Are there any technical problems that Sorenson support cannot help solve?

You will have to contact your service carrier or internet service provider (ISP) for help if you have problems with your data plan or internet service itself (e.g., outages, speed issues, billing, etc.)

You will have to contact the manufacturer of your device (smart phone or tablet) if you have problems with your device (startup problems, crashing, hardware failures).

ntouch Mobile

FAQs: 911 Calling

Can I use ntouch Tablet to make a 911 call?

Yes. You can use ntouch Tablet to make a 911 emergency call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When you place an emergency 911 call, your call is immediately answered by the first available SVRS interpreter. The interpreter will locate the nearest emergency service center who can quickly be dispatched to your location.

Note: It is important to keep your address information up to date for 911 services. During an emergency, if the person calling becomes unresponsive, help will be sent to the 911 address that you registered with Sorenson. If you move without updating your location information, help could be mistakenly sent to your old address. To update your address information, open the ntouch Tablet app and select Settings, and then select the option to update your address.

How do I place a 911 SVRS call?

Open ntouch Tablet and then dial 911.

Will E911 be able to detect my location using the location feature in the device or will I need to provide my location to the interpreter?

No. When you call E911 using ntouch Tablet, the location features of the device will not be used to provide your location to the interpreter. You will need to be able to provide your location to the interpreter when you make the emergency call if you are not currently at your default 911 location. You should set your default 911 location in ntouch Tablet to the location where you will be using the phone the most (this is your "default" location).

How do I update my address information?

Open the ntouch Tablet app and select Settings. Then select the option to update your address. The address you enter should match the usual location of the device running the ntouch application. You will always be asked to confirm your address to the Sorenson interpreter during a 911 call.

ntouch Mobile